Z80 CP/M BIOS 0.5
CP/M 2.2 Copyright 1979 (c) by Digital Research Inc. All Rights Reserved

Reading recorded events from A:MUSIC.DAT

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Sat 16-Sep: Transways

Select a track to begin playback.

  • 01-Last Night
  • 02-If I Was Shawn Royce, I Would Have Shot This Place Up By Now
  • 03-Cursed
  • 04-Who You Calling Pinhead
  • 05-Pinhead Chihuahua
  • 06-Grey Sweater Two Pitbulls
  • 07-Cookie Cutter
  • 08-Dodging a Blue Shell
  • 09-The Devil Wears Tie-Dye
  • 10-Interlude
  • 11-Fork, Beers, Bong

EOF reached.
MUSIC.EXE (c)2023 I. Phillips
